Mar 30, 2011

First Post- The arrival of Ninja!

So after 17 hours of travel I have safely arrived.  It's amazing that even though most of those hours are me just sitting pretty, I can still feel so wrecked afterwards.  I managed to drop my carry on bag about 12 times within just arriving into Portland's Airport.  Frustrating and embarrassing, yes, but not enough to make me blame fellow passengers. It amazes me how angry people can get at the people around them.  There was this one fellow at the beginning of the trip that called the people surrounding him every curse known to man.  But with the bad, comes the good, and I had a few kind hearted people talk to me, leaving me with a more positive outlook for the next round of crazies that would come onto my flight.

Maybe I'm the only one that does this, but I always walk into any airport and look for Celeb look a likes.  When I was waiting to check in, I was nearly positive Lance Armstrong was in front of me.  I like to think of it as a way to keep my mind sharp, in case the real deal comes along. :)

So there you have it. I'm very proud to say that I was able to rough out such a long flight with its ups and downs...(mystery airplane food anyone?).  I'm also glad its over, so I have the next few months to chill and hang out with my family.  I'll keep you all updated with my adventures as best I can. :) Stay tuned. 


  1. haha Epic! Glad you came there safely! Have fun and don't forget to post.
    By the way did Lance Armstrong talk to you at all. Maybe make you feel awful about anything you have done or fail to have done as of late? ;p

  2. Nah,Lance Fauxstrong didn't say anything to me. However, he kept his distance. Which is to be expected, what with me staring at him.
